Summer news at MDC

Summer news at MDC

NO CLASSES WILL BE HELD ON JULY 24th. Dancers can take a make up class in any class of choice.
August at MDC-
Regular summer schedule runs until August 15th.
Pre school tumble & Evening classes after 4PM will resume until August, 23rd.
Ballet Variations class can take a make up class with Ballet on Monday 5-6PM and or Pointe Tuesday 7-8PM.
Daytime & morning make up class will be held on Saturday, 24th with this adjusted schedule-
Dancer’s Yoga 9-9:45AM
Contemprical 9:45-10:30AM
Tumbling 10:30-11:15AM
Lifts 11:15-12:00PM
Improv & Freestyle 12:00-12:45PM
Social Media 12:45-1:30PM
No classes at MDC August 26th-September 2nd.
Fall registration opens August 1st. Fall classes start after Labor Day.