Recital Information UPDATE

Recital Information UPDATE:
Costume fee’s are NOW DUE- $65 per dancer PER CLASS. We have each costume custom made for each dancer and per class. Fee’s not paid in full by April 1st will have a $10 late charge.
Recital shoe order- Teacher Ricci will place an order for gores, black hip hop tennis, and pink ballets on April 21st to make sure dancers have the correct footwear for the dress rehearsal on stage. You can place orders anytime before APRIL 19th. E mail or text Ricci 801-589-4679. Please send dancers name, class, and regular shoe size.
Spring Break- NO CLASSES will be held April 3rd-8th. We make up for this week with the 5 weeks in March. We will have videos and music posted on our Facebook page for at home practice and review during break. Please encourage your dancer to PRACTICE!
Recital Fee’s due April 21st- $35 PER FAMILY. These help with cost for the show including Stage rental, medals, props, staff fee’s, music editing, programs, decor, stage crew, etc.
REGISTRATION for Summer classes OPENS May 1st. Check out our amazing summer schedule with fun camps, great classes, and daytime fun! Register online after May 1st at and save your dancer a spot.
Summer Team Auditions- MAY 13th @ MDC from 12-2pm. Please come in dance attire with hair pulled back. Summer team performs at various fun events through out the summer including- Fairs, Carnivals, City days, and practices are on Monday and Wednesday evenings. Contact Ricci if you would like to audition but are not available on May 13th
Dress rehearsals in studio- May 15th-17th (Jazz 2.5/3 & hip hop classes will rehearse May 11th)
Stage rehearsal and Class Pictures- ALL CLASSES have a scheduled time on stage and for a class picture at Clearfield High School Auditorium on THURSDAY, MAY 18th.
Spring Recital- MAY 31st @ Clearfield High School Auditorium Dancers arrive at 5:15pm and showtime is 6:00pm.